First Lesson I Learned As An Adult
“Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street an then getting hit by an airplane”
For the rest of the life
A lot of things happen to us every day, we talk, we think, we act but not every moment stays with us for the rest of the days. However, there is something in our brains that is triggered in some situations that make us remember a specific moment for the rest of our lives. Usually these moments cannot be recognized at that specific moment. As years pass, things happen, we become smarter you see that there were moments that out of the sudden stick in our minds and changed the way we see the world. Those moments are actually what define our personalities and future decisions.
From now on
My first moment of this kind happened to me the summer I turned 18. I was walking with my father on the beautiful streets of Moldova, rushing to an appointment and discussing my plans as a high-school senior. As I was raised to this point in life with a lot of support from my parents I didn’t have any difficulties in life as I knew I can always count on my parents. But this was the moment when I first stepped on unawareness about my future as an adult. I knew that the decisions I take this year have the potential to change the direction of my life. I remember that I was complaining to my father saying “This year I have to apply to University, pass a language exam, pass my national exams and have good grades”. I felt a lot of pressure that is going to come at that moment even though now ,when I look back, it feels like nothing in comparison to the challenges I have to deal with today. And with an anxious face I asked him
“Why life becomes so difficult”. He stopped me and said.
“From now on nothing is going to be easy”
I didn’t ask any questions back, I didn’t talk, I couldn’t complain anymore. I knew that I need to start forgetting about the easy life when you can mess up and be saved by your parents. This was the moment when I learned my first lesson as an adult that you never should expect life to be easy. If something comes up and you see it as a difficulty, just remember that nothing in life that is worth it comes easy. The only thing you can do is move forward being aware that you are going to deal with a challenge and get over it, whether you win or not. Difficult moments are part of life and its what makes us better humans.
“If life was easy. Where would all the adventures be?”
Complaining about all your problems all the time when something gets difficult in life puts you in a negative mental state to overcome these challenges. Everybody has troubles in life, but how many of you are listening. I noticed that there are people that complain without even thinking whether the other person is also going through any life challenges that would also like to share but is in the situation that has to validate your situation. But this is already another topic.
Life is not a straight line up, whatever you do. If it wasn’t for the ups and downs you would stop enjoying it at all. Trust me you will get over whatever challenge the life brings you. Keep your head up.